Shapes of Us

I learned that ‘move on’ is not completely taking memory burden off, forget it all and start anew. Some have difficulties and apparent, some may look like just shrug it off; no sweat. And some are so subtle in taking their time. Some may let […]

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Often times, I feel (and think) that my children deserve a better mother. Not this lousy selfish mixed-up priorities person. When I was the one being cheered up. When I was the one to get my tears wiped. When I was the one getting a warm […]

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Not Quite A Phoenix

Phoenix looks cool. I’m more like odd figure. So does this blog. Its imperfection came from tangled up language, broken processes of imports, lost pictures, broken links and all. Here it is. Hosted at a new place. Borrowed spirit from its owner. But hey, welcome! Please help […]

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Limitation and Chance

I learned that my limitation (and restriction) has been the biggest element to push the boundaries outward. My first semester goal was simple: able to recognise what to eat and not to eat and find a way to go home. Despite I still missed it […]

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Informasi Pribadi dalam Formulir Pendaftaran

“Boleh lihat bagaimana kamu isi formulir pendaftarannya, tidak?” tampaknya jadi pertanyaan yang cukup sering ditanyakan ke mahasiswa universitas atau penerima beasiswa. Tapi mungkin tidak semua orang cukup peka bahwa isian formulir itu hal yang sangat pribadi dan sensitif. Jangankan diunggah ke media sosial terbuka, diperlihatkan […]

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Berapa Lama

Kalau ditanya “Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk menulis satu post?”, jawabannya bervariasi dari beberapa menit (untuk remeh-temeh kategori sampingan begini) hingga berhari-hari seperti biasanya kalau saya menulis seputar kimia (dan kesehatan). Selain lamban, juga harus cek ulang, cek lagi, hapus, tulis kembali, cari lagi sumber yang […]

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