Pendidikan Seks: Memulai

Kapan sebaiknya pendidikan seks untuk anak dimulai? Sejak keberadaannya di dunia ini mewujud. Sejak hamil, orang tua harus sudah mulai mengerjakan tugasnya: mempersiapkan diri untuk mendidik anak, termasuk urusan seks. Untuk apa? Karena apa pun dapat terjadi.

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Towards 2-year pandemic

It’s almost 2 years pandemic hits Indonesia. I can still remember how I arranged preparation for home-based learning. It was ‘too sudden’ yet predicted and understandably there were some refusal to accept that things are going to change to a new direction never imagined before.

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I was told and learned, that climbing up the management ladder is a path not to be taken lightly and it takes a lot. And so I was also told and learned, that it’s lonely ‘up there’. It does not mean that you will be […]

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Ownership, | ˈəʊnəʃɪp | : the act, state, or right of possessing something. Owning is not only about physical things, but also rights and wrongs. You can just claim your rights and deny your wrongs and rather to blame-shifting on someone else. That is who […]

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What do you do?

What do you do when you have so much to say but couldn’t figure out exactly what to say? What do you do when you feel you have so many things to do but couldn’t decide which one to do first? What do you do […]

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Times of trial shows the nature of people deftly. Does one consider other’s interest before oneself or the other around? Does one show concern over others or it is more of a reflection of one’s emotion? When you say other is panicking, is it really […]

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Compelling Queen

The older we get, the less time we have for things we consider unnecessary. Just because we generally have less energy than before and we want to make use of ‘now’ as best as we could. We tend to become pickier, also to people. Experience […]

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