Dear Matrix

"Oh dear…", akhirnya dateng juga tuh invoice. Lengkap dengan pemberitahuan pemberlakuan tarif baru GPRS. Mulai 1 November 2005 berlaku tarif baru GPRS & Blackberry Matrix: Pilihan paket GPRS: retail Rp 15/KB, silver Rp 200.000/bulan (maks. pemakaian 50MB), gold Rp 800.000/bulan (maks. pemakaian 250MB). Blackberry: biaya […]

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Your brain’s sex can make you ill

Nah.. The title doesn’t mean that you’ll get ill if you’re a male or female. It simply says that the illness depends on which brain type you have. Curious? You can read the whole article here, but I’ll quote some part of it for you […]

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