Dealing with PMS

Double kill is when a woman is having a PMS (pre-menstruation syndrome) yet her certain colleague(s) failed to read her gesture and put even more pressure on her. Snap, snap!

Some of my friends in university could tell when if their female colleagues were having PMS, just so they could stay away from trouble. This is a good effort from male species!

Well, to make it balance, then the female species should take precautions to cope with their PMS problem. Here are my advice:

Being solitude for a while is an option, if you could live without crowd. I know, it’s fun with BFFs. But although they’re close, they could get hurt too, you know. Just in case, spare your beloved people hearts.

Hold your fingers off from social media applications. This is a must. Being angry will make you easier to being wounded and getting angrier. You might make annoying status. You might tweet horrendously. If not, you’re likely to be more cynical than any other days. Maybe you didn’t really matter everyone else. At least, it matters to you.

Hold your tongue. Just give 2-3 inhale time before snapping at anyone due to their annoyance. Yes, they’re bitches. But think. Don’t say things you will regret in mere minutes. (we couldn’t possibly know if it’s regrettable in next 10 years, I guess) You’re better than that.

Drink & eat properly. I always get cranky when I’m hungry. And sleepy. This could get worse if you’re having PMS. Some works with chocolate bar(s) or drink. I’m fine with a cup of tea. Of course, extra chocolate treats would be nice 😀 Water always works to cool off. So grab some drink if you feel the pressure builds inside your chest.

Take a rest. Go to bed, if possible. Sleep it off. The hormone rush is already hard to deal with without being tired. We get weaker around this certain time. We will be excused. We should be. Because it will be on someone else’s cost if we’re not.

Pray. Dzikir or whatever your faith tells you. If all else fails, this should not.

It’s just a thought anyway. You can use it if you think it’s useful. If not, leave it at rest. I just need to vent off.


  1. Kapkap

    April 1, 2011 at 10:46 am

    “Being solitude for a while.”

    This is my first in my to-do list whenever PMS attacks. Get off from the Net, TV and media. Adanya malah tambah emosi. “ITU AHMAD DHANI NGAPAIN LAGI TUH? ITU DPR KENAPA LAGI TUH?”

    Apalagi lagi PMS, lalu Internetan pake koneksi butut. Hadoooohhhhhhh.

    I’m going manual when PMS attacks. Mulai baca buku (“oh, ternyata ada benda yang mempunyai teks bernama ‘buku’. Mejiiikkk!” XD) atau coret-coret di buku sketsa. Dan sebisa mungkin menghindari kopi. Ga tau kenapa dan gimana, kalo PMS terus minum kopi bawaannya pengen murka melulu. Paling pol teh panas deh.

  2. Lita

    April 1, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Karena kopi ada kafeinnya, kandungannya lebih tinggi daripada teh.
    Lha kalo lagi marah-marah dikasih kopi, sensitip pula sama kafein, ya tambah nggak keruan 😀

    Teh panas. Setuju. Kapan aja 🙂

  3. Yusuf Alam

    April 15, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    PMS pre menstrual syndrome bukan Penyakit Menular Seksual… he he
    itulah kelebihan yaitu penambah dosis kesabaran kaum wanita ketimbang pria…

  4. Asop

    May 3, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    Saya.. dulu waktu masih SMA… pernah kena damprat wanita yg lagi PMS… 😀
    Dia teman saya sendiri, dan saya memang belum begitu paham tentang PMS ini. 😆 Haha, dasar konyol…

  5. akhnayzz

    August 5, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    terima kasih atas informasinya>>>
    salam kenal…

  6. siti nurkhasanah

    December 8, 2011 at 10:57 am

    mrs. lita…i am not so good in english, so it’s not easy to understand when i am reading ur posts in engling language. i think it’s not bad if you also give the translation of your article from english to indonesia. anyway, i still learning to read the english passages. thanks.

  7. Lita

    December 10, 2011 at 10:49 am

    Dear mbak Siti,
    Ini juga sarana belajar saya, kok. Maaf tidak disertakan terjemahnya 🙂

  8. Lilik Puji Rahayu

    January 25, 2012 at 8:22 am

    Dear Lita,
    Saya mengikuti tulisan Anda sejak lama… Saya suka tulisan Anda. Boleh saya link tulisan Anda soal PMS ini di facebook saya? Saya mendapat banyak pelajaran dari tulisan-tulisan Anda, dan saya ingin orang lain juga.. Salam dari Kochi Jepang.

    1. Lita

      January 25, 2012 at 12:25 pm

      Boleh, silakan.
      Terima kasih sudah mampir & membaca tulisan-tulisan saya.
      Senang bisa berbagi 🙂

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