Response Time

For man-made technology products, we would expect their response time to be minimum. It’s never fun to have a slow computer, late sensing, or lagging movement.

But for humanities (in its widest stretch), it’s not always good to have short response time. Responsive can be disadvantageous. Clearly it’s necessary during emergency or crisis. But most of the time, responses belong to the drainage.

We eagerly chime in to a hot issue, not to miss a chance to opine, as if our existence relies on the most current comment. This comes at a cost when the issue changed direction, while we already pinned our aggressive disagreement (or support) by distributing photos, personal information, or other attributes directly related to an entity.

Will we take back? “But why should we? It was based on previous knowledge and it was valid at that time!” Will we show remorse? “Duh, not my crime!” Will we apologise? “Ain’t got no time for that!”

And the issue died down. Everybody seemed to agree to stop talking about it and move on. There’s so much more to observe and be given remarks on. Hastily we left trails of trending topics. Topics that may just go to drainage if only we had waited just a little bit more.

Because it’s not worth it. Because there are ruined personas. Because there were lives behind the published posts and cruel ‘sheer’ comments. Because we might regret, of a scar impossible to unwound.

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