Summer Comes

Wikipedia says it’s Rikka, beginning of summer now. Temperature goes up, rain has become more often. My body understood well, it asks for short sleeves home suit, but my brain is slow as ever (it thinks it’s still spring). Still have my kakebuton out, though. […]

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Identifying Oxalis

Ever heard a song, remembered the lyric but did not know the title of the song? OK, you can google the lyric. Wondered about a thing’s name? That increases the difficulty a bit. You can put the searched image on google image, I think? In […]

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Caught by Surprise

The recent strong Kumamoto-ken earthquake and 2 days in a row earthquake hitting east Japan have been a wakeup alarm for me. I’ve been too easy-going thinking Japan is safe. Japan IS safe and its response to disaster is very good. But it’s never said […]

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Looking Smart

I rarely blog. But I keep my blog alive, because it has to be there when I need it. Often times when I read old posts, I feel… “I wrote that?…” in sense of disbelief. Sometimes because it’s ridiculously stupid. Some other times because it […]

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I find it a bit bothersome if a teacher is not being tolerant. Not tolerant to one’s student’s laziness or being permissive. Simply accepting the fact that there are people who don’t share the same opinion as one. We don’t have to agree on anything. […]

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Kata yang berarti ‘dingin’ ini pas menggambarkan kondisi bahan/makanan & minuman di musim dingin. Kalau masak atau bikin minuman panas, buruan dikonsumsi. Ngga usah nunggu ‘adem dikit’. Karena hitungan menit udah beneran adem. Seadem lemak di minuman coklat yang mengapung dan margarin yang kalau ditaruh […]

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Birds of a feather…

Makin ke sini jadi kelihatan kemiripan karakter anak-anak Indonesia yang berkuliah di Tsukuba daigaku. Dengan memori (sadar diri pelupa), waktu dan kemampuan terbatas, aku jadi lebih selektif dalam menanggapi hal-hal di luar kuliah dan ‘menjaga kewarasan’. Mungkin ngga kelihatan atau terasa ‘enak’ buat orang lain. Keterlibatan dalam bincang […]

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