I’m Not in Hiatus, My Apology

My apology people, for not updating this blog soon. No, I’m not in hiatus (this is a noun, right?). I just spent some more time with the real world.

I never thought it would take weeks just to finish 2 books and a magazine. Me! Who used to read that thick Harry Potter in less than 3 full days. Well, I guess getting married and having children do some change in me.

Not to blame the marriage and my children. It’s just me, myself and my thoughts. I could’ve done better. I need some adjustment. That’s all. Besides, I don’t think anyone can resist from the tempting smile of a baby who’s learning a new way in cooing. Not me and you!

My husband came home last weekend. We’ve been using his coming home for consolidation. Solidify, adjusting, remeasuring, everything you need to keep a good marriage track. In a fun way. Regularly.

No need arrangement. Just like that. Without prior notice. Just our minds act together in harmony.

Talking about nearly everything. It’s a time for me to spill out the words in my brain. Debottlenecking. Keeping both our world in clear vision on each’s mind.

Done. Please grant my apology. For I need you all to make me feel exist. Partly. In this virtual world.


  1. Dhika

    April 12, 2006 at 11:02 am

    :), hayah segitunya bu…

  2. Deny

    April 12, 2006 at 1:29 pm

    take your time, senorita 😉

  3. Hedi

    April 12, 2006 at 8:25 pm

    dimaklumi kok, bu…silahkan.

  4. danu

    April 13, 2006 at 2:10 pm

    should i write the comment in english? walah bu monggo silaken wong bebas merdeka kok, sekale2 ya boleh toh leyeh2… semangat terus ya bu!

  5. Lita

    April 13, 2006 at 6:36 pm

    Soale admin bananaTalk protes pak. Katanya kok saya ndak produktif, seminggu cuma satu tulisan.

    Si, senor.

    Terimakasih :mrgreen:

    No, it’s not a must.
    Yak, semangaaaattttt!

  6. Aswad

    April 13, 2006 at 8:25 pm

    Whoaa…kidnapped by husband..!! hehe

    Take the time, mam…!

  7. hikaru

    April 13, 2006 at 9:24 pm

    Minta tulisan dunk tentang
    bahaya sering begadang ^_^
    di tinjau dr segi medis gt deh

  8. Fatih

    April 14, 2006 at 6:11 pm

    your english is good. nice to see you mix your posting up w/ english. saya rasa pembaca setia BT gak bakalan protes. iya kan? 🙂 saya ingin ada Riverbend Indonesia. Masa sih kalah ama Irak? 🙂

  9. Lita

    April 15, 2006 at 10:24 am

    I wasn’t kidnapped, but voluntarily surrendered 😆

    He? Begadang jangan begadaaaaannnngggg…. Jika tiada perlunyaaaa… hehe… Pastinya sih: lebih baik jangan sering-sering.

    Aku belum pernah dengan sengaja cari tahu. Tapi kurang tidur yang terus menerus dapat merusak jaringan syaraf tertentu. Melek non-stop 3 hari (CMIIW) cukup untuk membimbing seseorang selangkah menuju kegilaan.

    Sementara ini cari tahu sendiri dulu ya, I still got tons of works queueing :mrgreen:

    Huhu, amusing compliment from the blogger-watch.
    Just occasionally, Fatih, when I feel like it or have no better Indonesian words to say :mrgreen:

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