Bamboo Philosophy

Parents, it is always wise for us to learn from mother nature. She has a great way in keeping balance. Well of course, it is HE Who Takes Care.

One chosen way to interact with your children is the bamboo philosophy.

Bend without broken.
Gentle, yet strong.
Straight to the point, yet flexible.

When they are not able to make decision yet, or knowing what danger awaits, we should make the decision for them.

When they are moving toward something we don’t agree about, let them get near it and hold them firmly. Just to let them know.

When they are doing things recklessly, put your arms around for a better grip in case they are falling.

Stick with your goal, but playing a bit around the corner could add some fun to the journey.

Behold, parents. I’m talking about bathing your children here.

What? The philosophy?

I saw my baby laughing out loud and jumping in enjoyment while bathing, thus I made it for you.
But you can use it as you like. You’re the parents anyway.


  1. danu

    May 9, 2006 at 11:08 am

    sayang nanda udah gede. kalo mandi di bak, udah gag muat lagi dia… dulu kalo udah maen aer gag mau berenti dia. terpaksa diangkat juga. kelamaan yo masuk angin tho… :d

  2. kus

    May 9, 2006 at 11:54 am

    mau gimana yah , aye belum punya bini 😀 jadi gak punya anak 😀

    pernah denger di pengajian(kaset) anak itu layaknya tumbuhan, kalau masih kecil , bengkok bisa diluruskan, kalau sudah besar susah.


  3. Yahya

    May 9, 2006 at 7:07 pm

    kus, i think you kind of miss the point here. It is right that sometime i hear ustadz said those things, but what Lita trying to say is that We thus the Parents who supposed to acts like a bamboo, not the baby.
    Read again, slowly grasshoper like above hath written :

    One chosen way to interact with your children is the bamboo philosophy.

    And yes i agree, there’s invinite lesson that the nature has for us, and yet sometimes we only translated it the way our liking and preference, hence we miss what nature truly thaught us, but I am not trying to contradict above’s phillosophy, but it most likely to be used on physical way .
    Hath thyself set mind as the bamboo philosophy, then not a man of a character thou art, for thy mind always goes as the wind does.

  4. Lita

    May 9, 2006 at 7:40 pm

    Ahahah… iya betul. Kadang anak kecil itu susah disuruh mandi, tapi kalo udah mandi susah diajak udahan.
    Nanda udah mandi sendiri ya?

    Gak/belom punya bini juga gak papa belajar yang beginian.
    Dan belom punya anak juga gak berarti gak berpengalaman sama anak kecil lho 🙂
    *nunjuk babysitter*

    Thank you, dear.

    it most likely to be used on physical way .
    Hath thyself set mind as the bamboo philosophy, then not a man of a character thou art, for thy mind always goes as the wind does.

    It is.
    As for the character and mindset, yet open-minded, you have to root to the deep ground. Hold the truth you believe. Bukan ngikut ke mana orang berpendapat.

    My my… you use such difficult English, you know?!
    Anyway, this IS an ambiguous article 🙂

  5. luthfi

    May 9, 2006 at 10:14 pm

    i don’t understand.
    konfius dengan apa yang diposting. Basa inggrisnya belepotan, dapat A kebetulan, mungkin scannernya pas lagi heng.

  6. dental

    May 23, 2006 at 5:50 pm

    Implementation of the bamboo philosophy also good for designers.

    “Straight to the point, yet flexible” is represent of condition when designer doing holy discussion with client hihi

  7. Guntar

    July 5, 2006 at 10:33 am

    Terkesan mudah bagi yg belum bener2 merasakan, tinggal dianggap sbg semacam checklist 😆

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