#SkinTreatment 4

Second visit to the dermatologist. The ointments had been finished and another ‘wave’ of blemish problem occurred. Given prescription for higher dose of tretinoin (previously it was 0.05% and now is 0.5% -if I’m not mistakenly read it) and answer to my question, “Is collagen […]

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Gel Eyeliner

Gel eyeliner biasanya dikemas dalam wadah pot kaca dengan tutup berulir dari bahan plastik atau campuran logam. Ada yang dasarnya lebih lebar daripada bagian atasnya, ada yang sama. Jika tutup dibuka, maka seluruh permukaan eyeliner akan terekspos ke udara luar sehingga berisiko lebih cepat kering […]

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Blusher/Perona Pipi

Perona pipi berfungsi mencerahkan wajah. Selain pewarna bibir, blusher (kita biasa menyebutnya blush on) membawa efek signifikan pada wajah. Jika pemilihan warna dan aplikasinya tepat, efek yang diinginkan dapat dimunculkan. Misalnya jika wajah kita pucat dan tidak ingin terlihat seperti orang sakit, kita dapat aplikasikan […]

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Makeup: Different Result from Tutorials

Saw interesting makeup tutorial and ended up dissatisfied because ‘it’s not how it looks like on the photo’? There are several reasons for that. Different shape. What’s your eye shape, facial shape (a chart to help or with photos), skin tone (I like Meow cosmetics and Everyday […]

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Favorite Eye Products

‘Favorite’ list is often used as reference and comparison to find out which best suited for us. So if it could help you, here is my favorite list of eye products: Makeup remover: L’Oreal gentle lip and eye waterproof makeup remover. Maybelline’s is my less […]

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Tight Lining

I was looking for new brushes -since some of my old ones have deformed- and recalling that I have not used most of my eye brushes for a while. So I looked for what I haven’t got yet and bumped into posts about tight lining. […]

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